Good News Ministry
Statement of Faith: We believe in the God of the Bible and that the Holy Bible to be the Word of God. We believe that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life."
Books of The Bible: Chapter by chapter verse by verse in-depth study which uncovers new meaning, discoveries, and revelations as the word of God constantly grows, giving us insight to more wisdom and understanding.
Christian Study Topics: Inspiring bible study topics that teach the truth in God's Word, helping Christians to identify false teachings and traditions of men.
Daily bible study topic
Believer or Hypocrite: Does today's Christian turn off people because of white-washed religion? Are we truly believers when we say we are Christian, or do we follow the way of the hypocrite? read more
Featured bible study topics
The Mark of The Beast: Throughout the New Testament Christ warns us about Satan, his mark and being deceived, better known to many as the beast mark, or mark of the beast. Some believe we are to receive some physical mark on our body. Some believe it is an internal mark of deception and works. read more
Three Earth
Ages: One of the biggest controversies between religious
scholars, scientist and archaeologist, is how the earth was formed
and how old it is. Many religious scholars believe that the earth
was created 6,000 years ago, contradicting proof of a dinosaur or
Stone Age millions of years old.
The Fallen Angels: Their strength is seen in the giant cities of Bashan, utilized by Egypt in the construction of buildings. The explanation of Greek mythology is no invention of the human mind. read more
Sons of Cain: It is important to note that the posterity of Cain comes in the generations of the heavens and the earth; and not in the book of the generations of Adam. read more
The End Time Famine: What is this famine of the end times that we hear so much about. Jesus would explain to His disciples that the famine in the end times He was talking about was not for food or drink, but for hearing the Word of God. read more
Twisted Scripture: We hear more and more about churches and ministries that twist the scripture to suit their ways, and that this would come about in the end times. read more
The Rapture Hope or Hoax: One of the biggest controversy's in the church today, is about our gathering back to Christ in the end times. Is it before the tribulation of antichrist, or after? Keep in mind that there are two tribulations. read more
Paul's Committed Ministry: One of the New Testaments most important teachings begins in the book of Corinthians, written from Ephesus by the Apostle Paul sometime between 53 - 57 A.D. Paul, who started as one of Christianity's most zealous enemies, was hand-picked by Jesus Christ to become the gospel's most ardent messenger. read more
United States and Britian in prophecy
Ephraim and Manasseh Receive The Birthright: Manasseh, the older of the two boys represents the United States in the end times. Ephraim, the younger of the two boys represents Great Britian in the end times. It is written that Manasseh would become a great nation of all people and Ephriam would become a multitude of nations.
Crying 'peace, peace' when there is no peace
The Generation of The Fig Tree: This conflict in Israel has been a reality ever since Israel was reconstituted as a nation in 1948. Better know as the generation of the fig tree, or last generation. This marks the prelude to the end of a generation that will lead us into the end times.
Ezekiel's prophecy Russia on the move
Russia on The Move: According to the Bible, there will come a time when Russia, in alliance with several other countries, will amass a huge army against Israel, with a view to plunder the Jews’ land.